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王真的论文Joint Optimization of Population Pattern and End-of-pipe Control...在FEB刊出
发布时间:2013-03-14 15:25:05     发布者:yz     浏览次数:

标题:Joint Optimization of Population Pattern and End-of-pipe Control Under Uncertainty for Lake Dianchi Water-quality Management

作者:Zhen Wang, Wei Gao, Yunlong Cai, Huaicheng Guo, Feng Zhou

来源出版物:Fresenius Environmental Bulletin卷:121期:12页:3693-3704出版年:2012

摘要:Joint optimization of population pattern and end-ofpipe control is proposed for Lake Dianchi water-quality management with uncertainties, a highly eutrophic lake in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, southwest China. The four crucial components were (1) to develop a risk-based population pattern and end-of-pipe control optimization model based on enhanced-interval linear programming for Lake Dianchi Watershed, where the objective function was to optimize the total urban and rural population and the constraints were accounted for including drinking water availability, land resources restriction, nutrient total maximum daily loads in domestic wastewater, and urban and rural non-point source pollution, (2) to analyze the differences between joint optimization and the optimization without changes in population pattern; (3) to identify the impacts of factors on optimal solutions of both population patterns and end-of-pipe control under uncertainty, and (4) to determine the optimal population transfer strategy to meet the requirement of lake water-quality management. The lower and upper bounds of the total population were 1.21 and 4.87 million inhabitants, respectively; the associated optimal

TN and TP loadings were [5054, 6850] t and [1963, 3490] t, respectively. Although the projected populations in 2015 and 2020 were within the optimal range, population transfer would be also essential for increasing environmental carrying capacity. The population pattern was sensitive to the domestic wastewater collection rate, the best values of which were 84.1 and 85.4% in 2015 and 2020, respectively. Compared to traditional end-of-pipe control approach, joint optimization of population pattern and endof-pipe control could achieve the optimal balance between human activities and lake water-quality management.



作者关键词:Population transfer; Sustainable development; Uncertain optimization; Eutrophication; Total maximum daily load

通讯作者地址:Feng Zhou ;Peking University,College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes Room 3355, 2nd Yifu Building, Beijing, 100871 P.R. CHINA



[Zhen Wang]School of Resource and Environmental Science, WuhanUniversity,Wuhan, 430072, P.R. China

[Wei Gao;Huaicheng Guo]College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,PekingUniversity,Beijing, 100871, P.R. China

[Yunlong Cai;Feng Zhou]Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,PekingUniversity,Beijing, 100871, P.R. China

研究方向:Environmental Sciences


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