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Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in High Asia
发布时间:2017-06-19 14:59:53     发布者:wxq     浏览次数:

报告人:Yingkui Li (李英奎)教授




High Asia, referred to the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding mountains, contains the largest inventory of glaciers outside of the Polar regions and is regarded as the “Water Tower of Asia”. These glaciers provide headwaters for many Asia’s great river systems. The advance and retreat of these glaciers affect water resources, ecosystems, and the livelihoods of more than 1.5 billion people in South and East Asia. In this presentation, I will introduce my recent work in studying the timing and extent of glacier and lake changes in high Asia at different time scales based on remote sensing, geomorphological mapping, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), and cosmogenic nuclide (CN) dating techniques. This research not only helps reveal the long-term relationship between climate change and glacier-lake fluctuations in high Asia, but also improves the understanding of the on-going environmental change due to climate change and increased anthropogenic pressure.


Yingkui Li is an associate professor inDepartment of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Hereceived a Bachelor of Science degree inGeographyin 1992, and a Master of Science degree inGeographyin 1995 and Ph.D degree inGeographyin 2001 at Peking University. He joined department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Purdue University for Post Doctoral Research (2003-2004).

Yingkui Li’s research interests include Paleo-climate and environmental change, Climate and human impacts on environment and GIS and spatial analysis.He published 74 journal papers (SCI/SCIE). He received more than $400,000 grand from National Science Foundation (NSF) and RMB200,000 grand from National Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He received an Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Geography at University of Tennessee in 2015.

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