发布时间:2024-07-09     发布者:易真         审核者:任福     浏览次数:

标题: Integration of Spatial and Co-Existence Relationships to Improve Administrative Region Target Detection in Map Images

作者: Du, KX (Du, Kaixuan); Ren, F (Ren, Fu); Wang, Y (Wang, Yong); Che, XH (Che, Xianghong); Liu, JP (Liu, Jiping); Hou, JX (Hou, Jiaxin); You, ZW (You, Zewei)

来源出版物: ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION  : 13  : 6  文献号: 216  DOI: 10.3390/ijgi13060216  Published Date: 2024 JUN  

摘要: Administrative regions are fundamental geographic elements on maps, thus making their detection in map images crucial to enhancing intelligent map interpretation. However, existing methods in this field primarily depend on the texture features within the images and do not account for the influence of spatial and co-existence relationships among different targets. In this study, taking the administrative regions of the Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, Tibet, and Henan as test targets, we employed the spatial and co-existence relationships of pairs of targets to improve target detection performance. Firstly, these four regions were detected using a simple Single-Target Cascading detection model based on RetinaNet. Subsequently, the detection results were adjusted with the spatial and co-existence relationships of each pair of targets. The adjusted outcomes demonstrate a significant increase in target detection accuracy, as well as precision (from 0.62 to 0.96) and F1 score (from 0.76 to 0.88), for the Chinese Mainland target. This study contributes to the advancement of intelligent map interpretation.

作者关键词: spatial relationship; co-existence relationship; RetinaNet model; map administrative region; target detection

地址: [Du, Kaixuan; Ren, Fu; You, Zewei] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

[Du, Kaixuan; Wang, Yong; Che, Xianghong; Liu, Jiping; Hou, Jiaxin] Chinese Acad Surveying & Mapping, Res Ctr Geospatial Big Data Applicat, Beijing 100830, Peoples R China.

[Ren, Fu] Wuhan Univ, Key Lab GIS, Minist Educ, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

通讯作者地址: Ren, F (通讯作者)Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

Ren, F (通讯作者)Wuhan Univ, Key Lab GIS, Minist Educ, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

电子邮件地址: dukaixuan@whu.edu.cn; renfu@whu.edu.cn; wangyong@casm.ac.cn; chexh@casm.ac.cn; liujp@casm.ac.cn; 11220844@stu.lzjtu.edu.cn; you_zw@whu.edu.cn
